Sunday, February 21, 2021

Design Metaphysics: Observing Virtual Elements in a Virtual World - Part 1


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The universe is vibratory in essence and function. The universe consists of a multitude of micro cosmic "elements" contained and surrounded within a field of their own origin. They appear as energy in motion. These microcosmic forms of matter are so small as to appear invisible when attempting to locate them within the context of 3D space/time. We know these forces exist, we can feel their affects by means of the impressions they leave upon us. We can't measure all these impressions without technology. They appear to be multidimensional in context as they appear and disappear before our awareness. 

When thinking multi-dimensionally, i.e. quantum like, we begin to understand the strength and power that lies dormant in this invisible transfer of energy. Energy is attracted and repulsed by forces that cause of these changes, changes that occur within a context that appears to be seemingly unchanged.   ... in a sense the context acts as a backdrop or ground plane allowing for individual observation and interpretation. Energy is observed within the context of the moment. When energy makes its impression upon this context an event or experience becomes realized.

Energy is attracted and repulsed by changes that effect/affect the field in which it is observed. It is within the context of these fractal/holographic/mental/emotional/spiritual/atomic/quantum, i.e. multidimensional fields of light and information, that energy in motion begins to form within the "substance" that describes/defines them.  Forms of energy appear and disappear and in some cases are described as being is "virtual" in character and quality. 

Energy in motion will change and become patterned in reference to the context in which the event and or experience is observed. As has been already scientifically theorized, the mere act of observing changes the circumstance surrounding this observation ... but not necessarily the situation or circumstance (context) in which it is made conscionable. At what point does the context change? Wouldn't the context of the event be changing spontaneously in a stream of events while being observed? Does the context have length, depth and breadth, or is it the same "stuff" as all the impressions traveling through it? Could they represent/symbolize an all consuming State of Energy made observable only by means of these perturbations occurring as result of forming the context in which they vibrate? Each stream of disturbance partially describes its great source or essence in a symbolic fashion. Together they qualify the presence of a contextual backdrop or medium, that symbolically veils its essence behind a vibratory dimension virtually unrecognizable except for design. This unknown state is revealed by means of establishing a coherent resonance between its multidimensionality a the level of consciousness commensurate with that of the observer. This condition implies that each revelation harbors a language commensurate with that of the observer's technical or otherwise, and that these revelations will be made apparent symbolically and made reference to by means of  reflection at lower vibratory states.   

Observation is thoughtfully framed in language and the parameters generated by means of its own terminology. Our language whether written, drawn or measured allows us to get our minds and feelings around events and experiences. Our ability to observe, experience and comprehend internal, external and eternal realms to which we bring our attention, are dependent upon these languages. All language is reliant upon signs, symbols, metaphor, simile, analogy, etc. for purposes of communication and transformation, i.e. correspondences between a variety of situations (events and experiences).
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What about the Quantum Physics observer effect?
"The default or classical understanding of the observer effect is the phenomenon of changing the situation from the way it was before being observed to something different. But when the world and all its components are viewed as the result of interpretation by the observer, the observer effect is no longer an agent of change but rather an agent of creation. The observer brings the world he/she is experiencing into being through interpretation. There is no situation prior to its observation, and therefore there can be no effect on the situation in the usual sense."

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Every corresponding language has been designed to have a meaning and a purpose within the ranks of every individual observer. 

All human observers are limited by the language they use to perceive the world/reality they imagine and reflect upon. Symbols along with their appropriate language, need to be dynamic, multidimensional and more encompassing/cohesive. Silos need to be removed and each language more embracing. Awareness multiplies and consciousness expands as result of creating and implementing a more comprehensive, communicative and sweeping language in the form of symbolic correspondences resulting in more expansive, intelligent, compassionate and cohesive design. 

Design speaks in a silent language both visible and invisible to the eye. Design can be felt, learned and understood without speaking a word or creating any object or experience. Design will presents itself to you if you choose to acknowledge it. If you choose to do so you will be actively corresponding with yourself. Design is the resourced in every language, sense and feeling. Design creates a malleable mainframe of personal codes and programs of which only an observer is aware. 

Changing and shifting contexts require greater and greater access to a language of greater magnitude and significance. This language has been designed to never be spoken at all. Design is a silent language that doesn't need to be heard due to its' lone coherency between space and time. These are observations made within a timeless and spaceless moment. 

What is sensed in our three dimensional world are reflections and refractions of Light observed through the lens of a predisposed mindset. Most impressions are preconceived and conditioned, which in turn ignore certain patterns of recognition at quantum levels of coherence. Impressions make specific reference to certain outlooks or expectations, a work of the imagination functioning in coordination with prior memories and experiences. 

We project upon ourselves every impression we are consciously and subconsciously aware of. By virtue of an objective world we reflect and reveal to ourselves our very own character. This process of revelation (awareness) is symbolically represented in an insightful and intimate design language patterned and presented before consciousness in the form of awareness. 

The concept of reality is not outside us but correspondingly rests within us in the form of symbolic impressions stemming from our own observation POV. We observe and respond to reality in a symbolic, i.e. designed, manner and fashion,  patterns of experiences made symbolically apparent in every moment. The outside world is an expression of who we are and how capable we are of sharing our conscious awareness with others. 

Patterns of energy are of both lesser and greater frequency and vibration than at the core of observation. This characterizes what is meant by taking a quantum/multidimensional stance in reference to every event/experience/observation we may encounter. Every observer views the current field/context/situation in his/her own way. We are all contributors to a multidimensional array of fields that interpenetrate our consciousness at quantum scales beyond our imagination.

“ … in the micro-world of atoms and particles that is governed by the strange rules of quantum mechanics, two different observers are entitled to their own facts. In other words, according to our best theory of the building blocks of nature itself, facts can actually be subjective.”

In essence the universe and all that it contains is virtual in character. The universe is in a perpetual state of becoming (change) and so are the multitude of observations that attempt to define and describe it. Quantum computing describes our current venture into consciousness by means of the symbols/languages applied in re-presenting this venture. This is a never ending multidimensional process occurring within a perpetually changing and somewhat immeasurable environment. These events and experiences may not be fully understood at or in this time, yet will continue to be discovered based upon earlier designs, symbols and languages of a representative consciousness. 
virtual adjective  almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition:     Computing not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so: a virtual computer. See also virtual reality.     carried out, accessed, or stored by means of a computer, especially over a network: a virtual library | virtual learning.      Optics relating to the points at which rays would meet if produced backward.      Physics denoting particles or interactions with extremely short lifetimes and (owing to the uncertainty principle) indefinitely great energies, postulated as intermediates in some processes.

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"The researchers built a framework in which computers propose new rules for how supermassive black holes grow over time. They then used those rules to simulate the growth of billions of black holes in a virtual universe and "observed" the virtual universe to test whether it agreed with decades of actual observations of black holes across the real universe. After millions of proposed and rejected rule sets, the computers settled on rules that best described existing observations.

According to the researchers, this approach works equally well for anything else inside of the universe, not just galaxies."

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Such are certain designs based upon human observation and response - patterns grounded and substantiated in our DNA. They describe a series of evolutionary methodologies focusing upon survival both in origin and context. Reality is composed of whatever qualities and characteristics we direct and/or project upon ourselves by means of the languages we use to explore our own consciousness.

The universe is what we perceive it to be. We currently describe design as containing both a meaning and a purpose. Design makes the connections necessary in a dualistic and somewhat measurable environment/field/context. Design is the vehicle required to expand upon the parametric constraints of duality and to enter and participate within more expansive fields of awareness/consciousness. Design brings into light the added venture (adventure) in support of  expansion, understanding, compassion and forgiveness. 

The concept of wholeness is a journey where attainment is made manifest in the space of a fleeting moment. You/we are already an expression of what it means to be whole. You/we are in quest of even a greater "wholeness" that rests in and behind a veil concealing an ever present unknown. We are observing our own journey towards enlightenment. All the more reason we must be honest with ourselves. 

Our field of light/energy and information attempts to describe a fluctuating perimeter of elemental consciousness in which we symbolically observe what we have described/believed and viewed as real. 

Agreements upon what is being observed and made variable is dependent upon the degree of resonance observers share between themselves. Technology may be able to observe an event, but it cannot fully evaluate its importance or relevance to human evolution until a more embracing language is created. Technology is merely an extension of a virtual genesis that has emerged and permeates everything human. Every element in the universe remains virtual in its context until influenced by an outside force/frequency/impression that customizes/refines the context in which they are defined, perceived and/or applied. This ability is fundamental to what might be described as a virtue/ous birthright we innately acknowledge as free choice. Is it no wonder that practicing the virtues are instrumental to the expansion of consciousness.

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Mayank Mehta, Professor of Physics, neurology and neurobiology UCLA 
"The neural pattern in virtual reality is substantially different from the activity pattern in the real world. We need to fully understand how virtual reality affects the brain."

by Lawrence Weschler

“The digital maven Jaron Lanier once wrote about the way that “Information systems need to have information in order to run. But information under-represents reality. What makes something fully real is that it’s impossible to fully represent it to completion” (going on to elaborate: “A digital image of a painting is forever a re-presentation, not a real thing. A real painting is a bottomless mystery, like any other real thing. An oil painting changes over time; cracks appear on its face. It has texture, odor, and a sense of presence and history.”) Such that again we’re back with Nicholas of Cusa: Information is the million-sided polygon, whereas The Real is the circle. Or with Eudora Welty: “Making reality real is art’s responsibility.” Kant says somewhere that a work of art is a specific instance of a general law that cannot be stated.

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To be design conscious you must be more than a observer.

Edited: 02.21.2021, 04.22.2021, 06.28.2021, 07.14.2021, 01.19.2022, 03.15.2022, 10.04.2022, 12.24.2022, 02.11.2023, 05.07.2023, 05.15.2023, 06.12.2023, 08.24.2023, 10.28.2023, 11.02.2023, 11.21.2023, 01.06.2024
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